Sdc 2017 Session: The Touching On Of Connecting Cars Into The Cyberspace Of Things ─ Samsung

Samsung Developer Conference 2017 Session
Speaker: Stephen L. Surhigh - Harman

The excogitation of the automobile changed many aspects of people's lives. Infrastructure improvements such equally paving dirt roads resulted inward social together with economical changes similar enabling families to stimulate got vacations away from home. Historians grip that the automobile has had a pregnant historical behavior upon on our modern lifestyles.
As autonomous driving evolves together with vehicles larn to a greater extent than connected inward the IoT space, the postulate for connectivity, information consumption, safety together with innovation larn exponentially to a greater extent than important. The presentation volition human face at the automobile's expected behavior upon on the IoT infinite together with volition innovate the Harman Ignite platform. Harman Ignite is a cloud-based platform designed to back upward the automobile's emersion into a broader IoT ecosystem that enables automotive OEMs to accelerate their autonomous vehicle visions.

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